What to Expect
Yes! After 3 years in a tent and a year-long construction project, we’re now inside for all services! Construction on our new sanctuary, lobby, and children’s area is complete, and ready for us to gather together!
We believe in teaching the whole Bible, not just from it, so at any given service you can expect a verse-by-verse Bible teaching and contemporary worship with songs that are scripturally sound. Each service typically runs for an hour and a half.
You can watch past services (or watch live) to get an idea of what we do by following this link: Watch Service
During the summer, we offer live Spanish translation at our 9am service on Sunday mornings. Our dedicated team provides real-time interpretation, ensuring that all attendees can fully engage with the service in English or Spanish. In the “off-season” translation may be requested, but is not always available. Click the “More Info” button below to request translation in the future.

Last Sunday's Setlist
Children's Ministry
Our children’s ministry seeks to provide age-specific classes and childcare for all kids. They’ll learn the Bible for themselves at an age-appropriate level, be given a snack, and participate in Kids’ Worship, a fun environment where they’ll learn that worship isn’t only for adults.
11 & Under
Children’s ministry is available for kids ages 11 and younger at Sunday morning and Wednesday night services.
Special Needs
We also provide a class for children with special needs at the 11:00 AM service on Sundays. For more information about our special needs class, contact our leaders, David & Emily, here: Contact Special Needs Ministry
We pray that children’s ministry here at Calvary will not only enable you as the parent/guardian to receive from the teaching of God’s Word personally, but also be able to provide your child with Biblical teaching to help them grow in a safe & loving environment.
We understand the serious responsibility of caring for your children, that’s why all of our children’s ministry volunteers have not only signed off on our Statement of Faith, but have been carefully vetted, and completed a criminal background check. In addition to that, there are always members of our safety team in the building, monitoring who goes in and out.
When leaving a child that’s 3 or younger with us, you’ll be given a pickup label with a unique code that will be required for collecting them after service. For toddlers and infants, a pager can be provided to parents in case they’re needed, and in all classes, ages 12 and under, the teachers have the ability to send a text message to let you know how your child is doing. In order for us to use this feature, be sure to submit your contact information in the children’s ministry registration (available below).
We know that Jesus loves children, and so here at Calvary we seek to love, teach, and protect every child who attends one of our services.
We’ve put great love and attention into providing children’s ministry for all kids (12 and under), where they’ll be loved, cared for, and taught the Bible at an age appropriate level, leaving you the freedom to attend service and hear from the Lord without distraction.
If you’re uncomfortable putting your child in children’s ministry, we’ve provided several options for you to be in service, while limiting distractions for all in attendance:
Family Room
Located next to the Cafe, we’ve provided a Family Room where you can watch the service with your child/children, without having to be concerned about any noise your child makes.
Nursing Mothers’ Room
Located directly off of the Upper Lobby, this is a private place for mothers to watch the service while nursing their babies. Please Note: This room is not soundproof.
If you’d like to sit in service with your child, please sit at the back of the Sanctuary. If your child becomes noisy, it can not only be distracting to you and those around you, but even to those teaching from the pulpit. Therefore, if your child begins to make noise, we kindly ask that you take them up to the family room for the remainder of the service.
Thank you for your cooperation as we seek to enable all who attend to experience the life-changing power of the Gospel!
Youth Groups
The Junior High group (grades 7-9/ages 12-14) meets in the Youth Room Sunday mornings during the 11:00 am service & Wednesday evenings during our midweek service for Bible study and discussion.
The Senior High group (grades 10-12/ages 15-18) meets Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room during our mid-week service for an interactive teaching of God’s Word.

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